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Excellence, Integrity + Impact

Healthcare, Academic Medicine + Health Sciences

Insight, Diversity, Leadership

Our Experience

Isaacson, Miller has a broad and diversified academic medicine and healthcare practice. Our record recruiting senior administrative leaders for multi-faceted roles is based on continuous appraisal of an increasingly complex sector. 


Our Clients

IM regularly recruits nearly every leadership role that spans discovery, patient care, and education at leading hospitals, healthcare delivery systems, academic medical centers, and health science universities. Our work includes searches for CEOs, C-suite executives, chancellors, presidents, academic deans, department chairs, division chiefs, and center directors. 


Our Consultants

Our consultants have deep expertise in critical related fields including associations affiliated with academic medicine and health sciences, certifying boards of medical specialties, national academic foundations, and research institutes. 


Our Relationships

Through each of these searches, we have developed trusted relationships and professional credibility that enable us to identify and attract candidates with the level of research and clinical excellence, intellectual creativity, world-class teaching, external engagement, and strategic vision required by our clients. We know how to assess the experience, skill sets, and aspirations of candidates while being well-versed in the various organizational structures, funds flow models, and broader changes in the healthcare environment.

Experience + Dedication

Evidence of Impact


Of executive leaders at the top academic medical centers are IM placements.


Of our searches in healthcare are for clients who return to us after being pleased with past results.


Searches across healthcare, academic medicine, and the health sciences since our founding.


Years of experience and results driving our understanding the characteristics that define visionary, inclusive, and effective leaders required to guide our clients into the future.

Lead the Future

Open Searches


Expertise by Role


Health Professions & Allied Health
Public Health
Associate / Vice Dean Roles

Health System Administration

Chief Executive Officer
Senior Vice President / Chancellor
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Information Officer
Chief Quality & Safety Officer
Chief Nursing Officer

Departments, Centers, Institutes

Center and Institute Directors
Clinical Science Chairs
Basic Science Chairs
Division Chiefs


Board / Association Leadership + Membership
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion