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Maria Vanoni

Reference Specialist

Maria Vanoni is a Reference Specialist on the firm's Advancement team. A career educator, she combines her training as an observer, curious nature, and commitment to her team and its clients to deliver thorough and helpful research.

As an independent consultant to school districts across the U.S., agencies, and educational publishers, Maria served as a trainer to thousands of teachers and administrators, in-classroom coach, conference presenter, project organizer, parent advocate, videographer, writer, and editor. Prior to consulting, Maria taught students at every grade level — from preschoolers with autism to graduate students. Her multifaceted career was devoted to using research-based explicit instruction, equipping teachers with tools and skills to deliver it, and maximizing achievement for all students regardless of their learning histories or zip codes.

Maria volunteers for a range of mission-driven nonprofits whose efforts focus on providing cancer support services, environmental education, cultural arts, and healthy communities. For 20 years, she also interviewed prospective freshmen to her alma mater. A Connecticut native, Maria earned an AB in psychology from Duke University and an MS from the University of Oregon, the home of Direct Instruction.